September 24, 2013

Seinfeld References #91, 92 & 93

September 24, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #91

Diane said in their marketing meeting that someone said something about whether or not to use an exclamation mark. That reminded her of the episode where Elaine's boyfriend didn't like to use exclamation marks and that made her mad, and then she went overboard and used too many.

September 24, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #92 & 93

Shelley recognized a lady she hadn't seen for many, many years, and she said she had the same hair style as years ago. We talked about when you find a hairstyle that suits, you might as well keep it. And that reminded me of the "delicate genius" physical therapist that was Elaine's friend and they all thought she had a very old fashioned hairstyle and didn't want to tell her, so they thought if Kramer met her that he would definitely say something, but he did the opposite and said he liked her hair and that she should keep it.

The hair discussion then led into the episode that Elaine's boyfriend told her she had a big head, and then everywhere she went weird things happened like a bird flew into her head and a cab driver made her scrunch down in her seat because he couldn't see out the back window.

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