July 18, 2013

Seinfeld References #76 & 77

July 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #76

I overheard Diane saying that she threw a party and "nobody came". The way she said it sounded like Babu when he said he changed his restaurant to all Pakistani and "nobody came."

 July 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #77

Today a customer called Lehman's and wanted to know how to get vomit out of her wool rug. We threw around lots of funny ideas after the call ended. Diane said she should just turn the rug over, like George did after Poppie peed on the couch cushion.

GEORGE: Why don't you take back the couch you gave me?
JERRY: The one with the Poppie stain?!
GEORGE: Yeah, sure. Then my father will have no place to sleep. He's gotta move out.
ELAINE: But it's got a pee-stain on it.
GEORGE: No, the cushion's turned over.

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