July 30, 2013

Seinfeld References #78, 79 & 80

July 27, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #78
Today on vacation, we visited Peggy's Cove and the ocean was really rough. The waves were really crashing on the shore. I told mom that George's story about being a marine biologist suited the conditions. His story started off with "The sea was angry that day my friends."

July 27, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #79
We were watching the episode where Elaine's quite older boyfriend had a stroke and they were trying to revive him. Jerry said they needed to do something with his extremities. Not 5 minutes later, I read an article about an injured Cleveland Browns player, and it talked about his extremities.

July 27, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #80
We also watched the episode about the cashmere sweater with a red dot. Mom said it was ironic because we are in Canada and their colors are red and white. Then later, there was a commercial about cashmere! But...it was a toilet paper commercial! "Nothing feels as good as cashmere".

July 19, 2013

Music Ironicness: Ace Of Base - My Deja Vu

This morning one of the random songs that played on the alarm on my phone was Ace of Base's "My Deja Vu". When I got to work, one of the first songs that played on my random playlist on Google Play was the same song! Deja Vu with "My Deja Vu"!! So weird...

July 18, 2013

Seinfeld References #76 & 77

July 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #76

I overheard Diane saying that she threw a party and "nobody came". The way she said it sounded like Babu when he said he changed his restaurant to all Pakistani and "nobody came."

 July 18, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #77

Today a customer called Lehman's and wanted to know how to get vomit out of her wool rug. We threw around lots of funny ideas after the call ended. Diane said she should just turn the rug over, like George did after Poppie peed on the couch cushion.

GEORGE: Why don't you take back the couch you gave me?
JERRY: The one with the Poppie stain?!
GEORGE: Yeah, sure. Then my father will have no place to sleep. He's gotta move out.
ELAINE: But it's got a pee-stain on it.
GEORGE: No, the cushion's turned over.

July 17, 2013

Music Ironicness: Nick Lachey - Shades Of Blue & Ashley Parker Angel - Shades Of Blue

Yesterday, these 2 songs played randomly back to back: Nick Lachey's "Shades of Blue" and Ashley Parker Angel's "Shades of Blue". Now, I have plenty of songs that have the same titles, but it's very ironic that they would play back to back. And what's even weirder is that both of these artists are or were lead singers of boy bands. Nick Lachey is in 98° and Ashley Parker Angel was in O-Town. Weird!

July 16, 2013

Music Ironicness: Anastacia - In Your Eyes & Kate Voegele - Sandcastles

This morning on the way to work the radio djs were talking about vacations and the one dj said she wanted to go to the beach and build a sandcastle. A few minutes later, I watched a video that was posted by a friend on Facebook by an artist I love: Anastacia. In her song "In Your Eyes" (which I had never heard before), there is a line that says "making castles in the sand". How random!

UPDATE: the very next day, one of the first random songs of the day that played was Kate Voegele's "Sandcastles". What's with all the sandcastles lately?

July 15, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #75

Monday, July 15, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #75

Diane was telling a story of how her brother got pulled over for speeding the other day. He was going quite fast. The way she was telling the story made me think of when Jerry was speeding. The cop pulled him over and said he caught him doing 93 and Jerry said he must have caught him when he slowed down to take the curve because he was doing well over 100. Diane laughed and said that during the incident, her brother was thinking of the exact same episode! When he was telling them the story, he was drumming his fingers on the table like Jerry was on the steering wheel.

July 12, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #74

Friday, July 12, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #74

Shonda and I were on our way to see The Lone Ranger. She was talking about trying to sneak coffee into the theater. This reminded me of when Kramer tried to smuggle coffee in under his coat and he ended up spilling it all over himself.

July 3, 2013

Seinfeld Reference #73

July 3, 2013: Seinfeld Reference #73

Last night there was a parade, and some co-workers walked the parade route with a Lehman's "float". They all wore matching t-shirts with the exception of one co-worker's husband who didn't want to. This reminded me of the AIDS walk where Kramer refused to wear the ribbon.

July 1, 2013

Music Ironicness: David Cook - Billie Jean

Today Shonda was discussing her recent trip out west. She said in Las Vegas there was a fountain that put on a show to lights, and it was always to different songs. One of the songs was Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean". She said when it came on everyone in the area started singing. Well, about 15 minutes later, my Google playlist randomly selected David Cook's cover of "Billie Jean" that he performed on American Idol several years ago. So weird!

Here is his performance on the show...

And here is a studio version of the song...because it's just that good :)